Availability for cooperation

Portofoliu proiecte Jun 26, 2017

INCDBNA is interested in the following types of collaboration:

Partnership in international R&D projects (FP7, regional, bilateral, etc.) on he following topics:

  • quality and safety of feeds and animal products according to the current legislation, processor requirements and consumer preferences;
  • influence of feeding on animal health and welfare;
  • management of the animal genetic resources;
  • alleviate the environmental impact of animal production;
  • alternative systems of production (ecologic, organic, etc.);
  • studies of nutrition physiology to improve the current feeding systems;

Partnership in national R&D projects on subjects of farm animal biology and feeding involving field tests or laboratory tests.

Partnerships for the transfer of the research results towards potential beneficiaries (collaboration with OJCA, DADR, CC, professional associations, town halls, scientific journals).

For these collaborations the institute can make available the following infrastructure:

  • an experimental farm adapted to the performance of feeding tests on the main species/categories of farm animals (cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry);
  • facilities (agricultural land, agricultural machinery, feed storage facilities) for the production of experimental bulk forages under controlled conditions; performance of studies for bulk forage preservation;
  • laboratory for experiments of nutrition physiology for the main species/categories of farm animals (cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry), digestibility cages/stalls, fistulized animals, chambers with controlled climate;
  • laboratory for chemical analysis of feeds, animal products and biological samples, accredited ISO 17025 (proximal analysis, chromatography, spectrometry, etc.);
  • laboratory for mycotoxicological analyses;
  • line for compound feeds manufacture adapted for experimental compound feeds (small batches, many experimental variants, etc.);
  • communication facilities (new computers, high speed internet, amphitheatre, conference halls, etc.)

If you are interested in collaboration with INCDBNA, please visit us or contact us by:
- phone 0040-21-3512084
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.