Project portfolio
International projects
Project „CLIMATE SMART ADVISORS", 2022-2029: Connecting and mobilizing the EU agricultural advisory community to support the transition to Climate Smart Farming (country responsible/partner C. Dragomir
Project „CLIMATE FARM DEMO", 2022-2029: A European-wide network of pilot farmers implementing and demonstrating climate-smart solutions for a carbon-neutral Europe (country responsible/partner C. Dragomir)
- Programme H2020
H2020 101036822 /2022-2025 Climate Neutral Farms (ClienFarms) (coordonator local Catalin Dragomir)
- Programme LIFE
LIFE 19 CCM/FR/001245 LIFE GREEN SHEEP/ 2020-2025: Demonstration and dissemination of actions to reduce the carbon footprint in sheep farming (local coordinator Catalin Dragomir)
• FP (6, 7, H 2020) PROJECTS
FP7 project SOLID
Sustainable Organic and Low-input Dairying (2011-2016, consortium headed by Aberystwyth University, UK, local coordinator Catalin Dragomir)
FP7 project FOODSEG
Safe Food for Europe – Coordination of research activities and Dissemination of research results of EC funded research on food safety (2011-2014 coordinator, RTD Service, Austria, local coordinator Ionelia Taranu)
European Project FP7 [FP7-KBBE-2010-4]
FOODSEG. (2011-2013. Local coordinator: Ionelia TARANU)
Subcontract within project FP7 RTD2FARM
Enhancing collaboration in research for pig research (2010-2012, consortium headed by the Vienna University of Veterinary Medicine; Romanian executive for the subcontract Catalin Dragomir)
Subcontract within project FP7 REDNEX
Innovative and practical management approaches to reduce nitrogen excretion by ruminants (2008-2013, consortium headed by ASG Veehouderij, Olanda, Romanian executive for the subcontract Catalin Dragomir)
FP7 project „FEED-TO-FOOD”
Reinforcement of FEED-TO-FOOD Research Centre at Institute for Food Technology of the University of Novi Sad (2008-2011, consortium headed by the Institute for Food Technology Novi Sad, Serbia; local coordinator: Catalin DRAGOMIR)
FP6 project „FEED-SEG”
Healthy Feed for Safety – Dissemination of research results of EC funded research on feed quality (2007-2009, consortium headed by the Vienna University of Veterinary Medicine; local coordinator: Catalin Dragomir )
FP6 project „Feed for Pig Health”
Development of Natural Alternatives to anti-microbials for the control of pig health and promotion of performance. (2004-2007, consortium headed by the Bristol University of Veterinary Medicine, UK; local coordinator: Ionelia TARANU)
FP6 project „CEC Animal Science”
Support to animal science organisation from central European candidate countries (2004-2006, consortium headed by Euroquality - France, local coordinator: Doina Grossu / Rodica Diana Criste )
European project COST CA15224/2017-2021: „Keel bone damage”: Identifying causes and solutions of keel bone damage in laying hens
European project COST " GroupHouseNet " (CA15134) Synergy for preventing damaging behavior in group housed pigs and chickens (2016-2020, coordinator: Wageningen University, local coordinator Daniela Marin))
European project COST "EPICHEM " (CM1406) Epigenetic Chemical Biology ((2015-2019, coordinator University of East England, local coordinator Veronica Sanda Chedea))
Bilateral Project Romania-Belgium Effect of pre and pro-biotics on microbiota and intestinal processes in swine as a model for inflammatory diseases in humans (2017-2019, in partnership with University of Liege, Belgium, local coordinator Gina Pistol))
European project COST “LIVAGE” (CA16106)) Ammonia and Greenhouse Gases Emissions from Animal Production Buildings Coordinator, Aarhus University, Denmark; local coordinator, Catalin Dragomir))
Eurpean Project „PiGutNet” (oc-2013-2-16276)
European network on the factors affecting the gastro-intestinal microbial balance and the impact on the health status of pigs (2014-2018, coordinator Bologna University, local coordinator Ionelia Taranu)
European project „DAIRYCARE” (FA1308)
Improving the wellbeing of dairy animals (2013-2017, coordinator Copenhagen University, local coordinator Catalin Dragomir)
COST project 'Feed for Health' (FA 0802)
(2009-2012, consortium headed by the Milano University of Veterinary Medicine, Italia; local coordinator: Ionelia TARANU)
COST project 'Feed for Health' (FA 0802)
Feed for Health. (2008-2013, local coordinator: Ionelia TARANU)
EUREKA /2017-2020- ZINCOPPYEAST/ 94, Development of a new animal feed supplement for improving animal performance consortium lead by SC Avicola Lumina SA, Romania, local coordinator Daniela Marin)
EUREKA Project
VEG4EGG / 330, Valorisation of by-products from winery as antioxidants sources for laying hens diets enriched in polyunsaturated fatty acids (2013 – 2016, consortium headed by SC Avicola Lumina SA, Romania, local coordinator Margareta Olteanu)
EUREKA Project
EGSE E!5008 / 309E, Eggshells processing and eggs with functional food properties production (2009-2013, consortium headed by Emona Nutrition R&D Department, Jata-Emona, Slovenia, local coordinator Rodica Diana Criste)
Romania-France/ 2019-2020-“BRANCUSI”-[SOXINFLAMPIG]: “Investigating the potential of some agro-industrial by-products to modulate physiological processes with an essential role in reducing oxidative stress and transient inflammation in piglets after weaning (partnership with I.N.R.A- centre de clermont ferrand, UMRH- AMUVI)
Romania-Belgium/ 2017-2019: “The effect of prebiotics and probiotics on the microbiota and intestinal processes in pigs as a model for human inflammatory bowel diseases (partnership with Liege University, Belgium, local coordinator Gina Pistol)
Bilateral project Romania-Vietnam Valorisation of the by-products from the ethanol industry as feed resources (2014-2016, partnership with HUST University, Hanoi, local coordinator Ionelia Taranu)
Bilateral project Romania-Slovakia „ProcFeed” The effects of the processing techniques on the quality and feeding value of cereals and their by-products used in ruminant feeding (2013-2014, partnership with Animal Production Research Centre, Nitra, Slovakia, local coordinator: Catalin DRAGOMIR)
Bilateral project Romania-Greece Use of natural extracts for counteracting the toxic effects of mycotoxins, natural contaminants of the food chain feeding (2011-2014, partnership with Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes, Alsyllio Agrokepiou, MAICH),Chania, local coordinator Daniela Marin)
Bilateral project France – Romania (BRANCUSI) Deoxynivalenol, natural contaminant of feed and food: assessment of immunosuppressant effect in pig. (2006-2008, partnership with I.N.R.A. U.R. 066, Toulouse, France; local coordinator: Ionelia TARANU)
Bilateral project Slovenia – Romania The prediction of protein degradation characteristics of ruminant feedstuffs by the means of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) or on the basis of fiber bound protein (2006-2007, partnership with the Institute for Agricultural Research Ljubljana, Slovenia, local coordinator: Catalin DRAGOMIR)
Erasmus+ Project “LIVE NUTRITION” (2014-1-PL01-KA202-003496)
Rational Livestock Nutrition in Rural Areas (2014-2016, Coordinator Wroclaw University, Poland; local coordinator Catalin Dragomir)
European Project DONAUREGION “DanuInteg”
Technologies for protecting food security in the Danube Region (2013-2016, coordinator Freie Universität Berlin - Institut für Tierernährung, local coordinator Catalin Dragomir)
European Project FACCE MACSUR Modelling Agriculture with climate change for food security (2012-2017, coordinator Martin Banse –Germany; local coordinator Mihaela Habeanu)
Capacities /Module III –Bilateral/multilateral cooperation
Countries Romania-Greece: Use of natural extracts to control the toxic effects of mycotoxins, natural contaminants of the food chain. Local coordinator Daniela MARIN
Regional project “Reseau Formation Research”
Effect of mycotoxins in pig - II (2006-2009, project headed by I.N.R.A. - U.R. 066, Toulouse; local coordinator: Ionelia TARANU)
ECO-NET project
Alterations of the immune system in animal farm induced by the ingestion of feed contaminants: mycotxins (2006-2008, partnership with: I.N.R.A. U.R. 066, Toulouse, Franta; local coordinator: Ionelia TARANU)
Regional project “Reseau Formation Research”
Effect of mycotoxins in pig - I (2001-2004, project headed by I.N.R.A. U.R. 066, Toulouse, Franta; local coordinator: Ionelia TARANU)
European funds structural projects
Structural project POS CCE, Priority axis 2, Operation 2.2.4
INCDBNA products and services promotion plan. 2010-2011. Project director: Elena GHITA
Structural project POC, Priority Axis 1, Action: 1.2.3.
Development of innovative feeding solutions for gallinaceans, with the view to product available feeds with improved nutritional properties. (2016-2019, project director: Margareta Olteanu)
ADER Projects/ 2023 competition
ADER 8.1.2 Research on the quality and quantity of carcass meat assessed by the non-invasive method of ultrasound and molecular biomarkers in taurine breeds for meat according to the new animal welfare requirements (2023-2026, coordinator: INCDBNA, Project Director Van Cristina)
ADER 8.1.3 Cercetări cu privire la reducerea emisiilor GES/amprentei de carbon a exploatațiilor de rumegătoare din România, fără diminuarea semnificativă a profitabilității li efectivelor de animale (2023-2026, coordonator: INCDBNA, director proiect Gras Mihail)
ADER 8.1.6 Research on the reduction of GHG emissions/carbon footprint of ruminant farms in Romania, without significantly reducing the profitability of livestock (2023-2026, coordinator: INCDBNA, Project Director Maria Cornescu)
ADER 8.1.7 Research on the efficiency of the growth of monogastrics through non-conventional nutritional solutions, with the addition of freeze-dried probiotic products (2023-2026, coordinator: INCDBNA, Project Director Dumitru Mihaela)
ADER 8.2.1 Research on the development of nutritional solutions to reduce the effects of mycotoxin contamination of feeds intended for young pigs (2023-2026, coordinator: INCDBNA, Project Director Pistol Gina)
ADER 8.2.2 Research on the screening of the chemical composition of some feed raw materials from Romania in order to initiate a database with national impact (2023-2026, coordinator: INCDBNA, Project Director Saracila Mihaela)
PED projects/ 2021 competition
PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2021-1989 (SynbioFeed) Fodder product with a complex formula effective in ameliorating the negative effects of the weaning crisis in piglets. Project Director Gina Pistol
PN-III-P2-2.1-PED2021-2001 (PHYTOFEED) Functional feed rich in phytochemical compounds for obtaining functional eggs. Project Director Arabela Untea
PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0889 (PCE 42) (ALLTOX). In vitro, ex-vivo and in silico approaches for identification of molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in Alternaria mycotoxin toxicity, Project Coordinator Daniela Marin
PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0992 (PCE 42) (Zinc-botanicals). Assesment of efficacy at intestinal level of by-products-based botanicals as zinc oxide replacement; from in vitro to in vivo investigation. (2022-2024 Project Coordinator Ionelia Țăranu)
PN-III-P1-1.1- TE-2021-1305. Evaluation of the efficiency of some biomaterials as adsorbents in order to mitigate mycotoxins (2022-2024).
- PNCDI 3 PROJECTS – competition 2016
VAMAROV - „In situ ” validation of a marker-assisted program for milk traits breeding in local sheep breeds (2017-2018, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Mihail Alexandru GRAS)
– Valorisation of the preliminary results on subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) by developing feeds that are friendly to the rumen 2017-2018, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Catalin DRAGOMIR))
CARROMEGGS– Hen eggs enriched in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and in carotenoids - functional food obtained by feeding unconventional feeds to the layers (2016-2018, coordinator for INCDBNA: Tatiana Dumitra PANAITE))
ZEOCOWPRO– Innovative technologies of using natural zeolites in dairy cows feeding, with beneficial environmental impact and improved milk yield (2016-2018, coordinator for INCDBNA: Margareta OLTEANU))
LUMISOL – New feeding solutions for laying hens, rich in fibre, increasing poultry farm competitiveness by decreasing the cost or production while increasing egg quality (2016-2018, coordinator for INCDBNA: Tatiana Dumitra PANAITE))
BIOCAROMIN– Development of a new technology to enrich consumer eggs in carotenoids and trace elements, safe food for consumer health (2016-2018, coordinator for INCDBNA: Margareta OLTEANU))
CAPRIPLUS– Production of goat milk and dairy products enriched in polyunsaturated fatty acids using local feed ingredients ((2016-2018, coordinator for INCDBNA: Catalin Dragomir))
PNCDI 2 PROJECTS – competition 2014
TE 301 – Production of a functional food (pork/poultry meat enriched in Zn), using feed concentrates friendly to the environment (2015-2017, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Arabela Elena UNTEA)
TE 302 – Investigation of pre-, probiotics as modulators of intestinal microflora intestinal and inflammation in pigs as model for the chronic intestinal inflammation in humans (2015-2017, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Gina Cecilia PISTOL))
PNCDI 2 PROJECTS – competition 2013
NUTRICAP– Efficient feeding strategies for local and imported goat breeds to maximize feed conversion into milk production (2014-2017, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Ilie VOICU)
NATCONSERV– Natural preservatives for meat products with the view to produce functional foods, safe for consumer health (2014-2017, coordinator for INCDBNA: Rodica Diana CRISTE)
• PROJECTS PNCDI 2/ competitions 2011- 2012
PIGCONTROL – Impact of forage co-contamination and solutions to enhance feeds security, animal health and food quality (2012-2016, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Ionelia TARANU)
SAFEOATDIET – Safety and tolerability of the oats products enriched in calcium and iron in gluten-free diets (2012-2015, executive for INCDBNA: Daniela MARIN)
IDEI 101 – Study of zearalenone toxicity, natural food contaminant, using nanotechnologies; contributions to the development of public policies for food safety (2011-2015, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Ionelia TARANU)
TE 4 – Role of ochratoxin A in the onset of Balkan endemic nephropathy using the pig as animal model (2013-2016, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Daniela MARIN)
TE 31 – Utilization of antioxidant winery by-products in animal feeding (2013 -2016, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Veronica CHEDEA)
TE-56 – Genetic analysis assisted by molecular markers of the production and reproduction traits of Tsigai Teleorman Blackhead sheep and use of these results for selection (2010-2013, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Rodica Stefania PELMUS)
COFSOLID – Low input dairy systems, Project cofinancing the participation of Romania in FP7 (2011-2016 coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Catalin DRAGOMIR)
VITAOU – Production of low-cholesterol consumer eggs, new product for the Romanian market (2013-2015, executive for INCDBNA: Rodica-Diana CRISTE) OCHIOS: Production of a new variety of eggs beneficial for human health by its feeding qualities improved naturally (2013-2015, executive for INCDBNA: Tatiana PANAITE)
PNCDI 2 projects/ 2008 competition
OPECGEN -Economic and genetic optimization of the improvement programs for sheep within the context of European harmonization (2008-2011, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Horia GROSU)
NUTRIMICODIM -Ensuring feed resources and animal products safety and quality through feeding solutions which to depress the adverse effects of some mycotoxins, natural contaminants of farm animals feeds and human food (2008-2011, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Ionelia TARANU)
AVIECO -Development of poultry products using new formulations with ecological feed ingredients (2008-2011, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Carmen CIURESCU )
ZYSOPRO -Development of phytopreparations, prebiotics and biofuels by a complex processing of the sugar sorghum (2008-2011, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Ionelia TARANU)
POL-EX-AGRA -Collaborative platform for organisational competitiveness and management of the knowledge, expertise and partnerships in agrifood research-development (2008-2011, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Elena GHITA)
SUPLIBOR -Transdisciplinary research into the essential character and dietary supplementation of the boron given to broilers and growing pigs (2008-2011, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Arabela UNTEA)
AVIMORUS - Interdisciplinary research into the implications of mulberry cultures for poultry production (2008-2011, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Margareta OLTEANU)
TRASAREG-Complex research to determine biochemical markers specific to regional dairy products to improve their traceability along the food chain (2008-2011, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Ilie VOICU)
PROREDNAMEAT-Complex research to determine procedures for functional optimisation and reduction of sodium level in meat preparations (2008-2011, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Tatiana PANAITE)
SINGOVIN-Influence of the structure and level of dietary nutrients on sheep performance and sheep meat quality in different fattening systems (2008-2011, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Ilie VOICU)
BLUEBOXSENS -Construction and characterization of molecular sensors based on cyclobis derivatives (PARAQUAT-P-FENILEN) used to detect and identify the local factors generating crises (dangerous and extremely dangerous substances) (2008-2011, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Rodica Diana CRISTE)
CNCSIS/IDEI -Elaboration and development of a cell model to simulate gut functions to evaluate the intestinal effects of the food contaminants (2008-2011, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Daniela MARIN )
PNCDI 2 projects/ 2007 competition
AZORUM – Increase nitrogen retention in ruminant animals by optimising the ruminal microbial protein synthesis (2007-2010, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Catalin Dragomir )
FITOMIN – Decrease of the trace elements content of pig manure by replacing the chemical premixes by phytogenic additives and enzymatic preparations, to promote the sustainable agriculture (2007-2010, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Rodica Diana Criste )
ERGOMET – Fast method to evaluate the fungal contamination of the cereal grains (2007-2010, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Cristina Tabuc )
METAVIAC – Innovative methods and techniques for poultry rearing using anolytes and catalysts to improve product quality and to ensure the sanitary veterinary protection (2007-2010, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Rodica Diana Criste )
CARSUIN – Identification and utilization of nutritional factors to optimise the diets for meat pig (2007-2010, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Veronica Hebean )
PN 16-41 0101 Investigations for the efficient utilization of nonconventional vegetal feed sources for reproduction sows and interrelation with progeny performance (project coordinator: Mihaela HABEANU))
PN 16-41 0102 Innovative feeding technologies for broiler and turkey chicks using alternative sources of proteins free of antinutritional factors (project coordinator: Georgeta CIURESCU))
PN 16-41 0103 Nutritional evaluation of new varieties of alfalfa, in different forms of preservation, for ruminant feeding (project coordinator: Ilie VOICU))
PN 16-41 0104 Feeding solutions for dairy cows using grain sorghum, as alternative to the conventional energy cereal crops (project coordinator: Dorica VOICU))
PN 16-41 0105 Evaluation of the feeding potential of local feed sources for broilers (project coordinator: Anca GHEORGHE))
PN 16-41 0106 Researches for the production of feed additives with probiotic, detoxifying and preservative role (project coordinator: Cristina TABUC))
PN 16-41 0107 Research on the correlation between feeding and performance in early lactation dairy cows (project coordinator: Andreea VASILACHI))
PN 16-41 0201 Studies on the effect of some xenobiotics from the liver, as key-organ for diet metabolisation, synthesis of vital substances and detoxification in pigs (project coordinator: Ionelia TARANU))
PN 16-41 0202 Effect of non-fungal contaminants of cereal crops with possible involvement in endemic nephropathy in pigs (project coordinator: Daniela MARIN))
PN 16-41 0203 Absorption and metabolisation of vegetal bioactive compounds (polyphenols)by high performance techniques (LC-MS), with the view of their improved utilization by in weaned piglets (project coordinator: Veronica Sanda CHEDEA))
PN 16-41 0204 Improving the oxidative status of the chicken meat with dietary winery by-products used as natural antioxidants ((project coordinator: Margareta OLTEANU))
PN 16-41 0301 Evaluation of local sheep carcass quality to improve meat production and become competitive on the international market (project coordinator: Elena GHITA))
PN 16-41 0302 Development and validation of analytical methods to determine lipid degradation from feed ingredients and from animal foods (project coordinator: Arabela Elena UNTEA))
PN 16-41 0303 Comparative research on the evolution of fatty acids concentration in the milk of goats reared intensively or in household system (project coordinator: Mariana ROPOTA))
PN 16-41 0401 Efficient feeding solutions to maintain digestive tract health in broilers reared under heat stress (project coordinator: Rodica Diana CRISTE))
PN 16-41 0402 Efficient use of high fibre ingredients in diet formulations for monogastric animals (project coordinator: Tatiana Dumitra PANAITE))
PN 16-41 0501 Estimation of the potential to manipulate rumen metabolism using particular characteristics of the feed ingredients (project coordinator: Catalin DRAGOMIR))
PN 16-41 0601 Development of selection designs for local sheep breeds breeding, based on molecular marker-assisted selection associated with the production, preproduction and health traits (project coordinator: Mihail Alexandru GRAS))
PN 16-41 0602 Selection optimization for milk production in cattle, using genetic information from molecular markers (project coordinator: Rodica Stefania PELMUS))
PN 16-41 0603 Improving the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of milk and meat production in goats using non-invasive analytical methods and identifying specific markets according to EU requirements (project coordinator: Cristina LAZAR)
PN 09-38 0101 Use of commercial crosses to improve the meat quality characteristics in the local sheep breeds, with the view to ensure their competitiveness on EU market (project executive: Elena GHITA)
PN 09-38 0102 Evaluation of the dietary chrome potential to enhance the quality of high-fat animal foods (project executive: Arabela UNTEA)
PN 09-38 0103 Updating the methods of chemical and biochemical evaluation of the animal product quality by adaptation to EU standards (project executive: Mariana ROPOTA)
PN 09-38 0104 Investigations into the capacity of the food contaminants to induce oxidative stress in farm animals (project executive: Daniela MARIN)
PN 09-38 0105 Evaluation of the fungal contamination of the cereals used in animal feeding, identification of Aspergillus species frequently met and characterization of their toxic potential (project executive: Cristina TABUC)
PN 09-38 0106 Development and implementation of sensitive, fast methods to detect the contaminants (arsenic, nitrites, nitrates) in bulk forages to accomplish food safety (project executive: Margareta OLTEANU)
PN 09-38 0201 Biotechnological research for the production of growth-promoting products using selected poly-cultures of lactic acid bacteria, to be used as natural alternatives in poultry production (project executive: Aurelia SOARE)
PN 09-38 0202 Evaluation, adaptation and complex valorisation of new alternative sources of organic additives with the purpose to enhance the immune status of the weaned piglets and to improve the quality of animal foods for human consumption (project executive: Ionelia TARANU)
PN 09-38 0203 Use of vegetal products with antioxidant role in animal feeding (project executive: Tatiana PANAITE)
PN 09-38 0301 Effect of post prandial pH decrease on the efficiency or protein and energy metabolism in ruminants and its implications on the efficiency of ruminant diets (project executive: Catalin DRAGOMIR)
PN 09-38 0302 Evaluation of the feeding value of new national hybrids of drought resistant forage crops used in Ruminant feeding – (project executive: Ilie VOICU)
PN 09-38 0303 Use of sorghum grains to feed fattening steers as alternative to corn and barley in the unirrigated plain areas (project executive: Dorica VOICU)
PN 09-38 0401 Improve the feeding quality of pig meat using ecologic feed ingredients beneficial to human health (project executive: Mihaela HABEANU)
PN 09-38 0403 Improved methodology for meat production evaluation in Karabash sheep using the non-invasive ultrasound method (project executive: Cristina LAZAR)
PN 09-38 0501 Research on the use of organic sources of trace minerals in poultry feeding (layers and broilers) to protect the environment by decreasing mineral excretion (project executive: Rodica Diana CRISTE)
„CEEX” Projects
PUFARUM -Feeding domestic oleaginous forages to cows as a means to increase milk polyunsaturated fatty acids (2005–2008, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Catalin Dragomir )
OMEGANUTRIOSAN -Optimise the nutritional factors to obtain omega 3 polyunsaturated acids-rich eggs, functional food for the Romanian market (2005–2008, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Rodica Diana CRISTE)
FUSMYC - Impact of mycotoxin produced by Fusarium fungi on the food chain, investigation of methods to control fungi toxicity and to enhance food quality and safety at the level of EU standards (2005–2008, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Ionelia TARANU)
LIPOSAN - Qualitative interactions related to the transformation of the dietary lipids throughout the food chain feed-animal-human used to determine impact indicators for human health (2005–2008, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Veronica HEBEAN
TEHBIO-Technology for the production of a new biological preservative to improve the quality of silages made of hard to ensile forages and its influence of milk yield (2005–2008, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Aurelia SOARE)
Contract 14951/2006, Modulul II - Evaluate the role of boron in controlling the toxic effects induced in pigs by deoxinyvalenol, a toxin produced bi Fusarium fungi (2005–2008, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Daniela MARIN)
ERA-ANIM (contract 46/2006, Modul III) -Promote the integration f the Romanian Zootechnical research within the European Research Area by participation in FP7 projects (2005–2008, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Catalin Dragomir )
CEEX INFRAS 64 (contract 132/2005, Modulul IV)-Develop the capacity and competitiveness of a control laboratory in the field of zootechny to perform quality control of the forages according to EU norms and legislation (2005–2008, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Rodica Diana CRISTE)
MARKANIM -Molecular markers used to improve the animals of economic interest (2005-2008, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Mariana Rebedea)
NUTRIACVA - Research to produce competitive domestic conventional and nonconventional feeds for aquaculture (2005-2008, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Smaranda POP
SELENPLUS - Prevent, control and manage selenium deficit throughout the trophic chain plant-animal-human (2005-2008, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Tatiana PANAITE)
LUCEVIT - Improve the quality of alfalfa feeds by changing plant architecture by biotechnology (2005-2008, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Alexandrina DIHORU)
CELIACA -Celiac disease: investigation on the incidence and diagnosis, provision of fortifying floury foods – medication for the «long-life« dietetic treatment (2005-2008, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Margareta OLTEANU)
INFOBAB - Photodynamic inactivation with coherent light radiations of some Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria contaminating the open wounds (2005-2008, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Mihaela HABEANU, Dorica VOICU)
ATPMA - Investigations in the development of modern technical applications for the cultivation, primary processing and utilisation of some valuable species of medicinal and aromatic plants (2005-2008, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Alexandrina DIHORU)
NUTRIMINEROS - Experimental model to study the bioavailability of some nutrients (Ca, B, phytosterols) and their influence on bone mineralization in pigs, scientific support for osteoporosis study (2005-2008, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Rodica Diana CRISTE)
TEHNOCOMP -Modernise dairy cows exploitation to increase the technological competitiveness as a requirement of integration within the EU (2005-2008, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Ionelia TARANU)
RENFEZ- Increase the efficiency and quality of pasture forages by their optimal conversion into zootechnical products under the conditions of sustainable agriculture (2005-2008, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Alexandrina DIHORU)
TEF –Research and development of a performant technology for feed handling and distribution in cattle farms with the view to protect animal health and ensure animal food quality (2005-2008, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Ilie VOICU)
BIOFIB - Bioavailability of minerals in bakery products enriched in foodgrade fibres (2005-2008, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Arabela UNTEA)
ROMBIV - Quantification of the morpho-productive performance of the buffalo populations from Romania and set the goal of improvement in agreement with EU standards (2005-2008, executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Margareta OLTEANU)
Nucleus Program 2007 – 2008
PN 07-43-0101 - Evaluate the degree of fungal contamination of the cereal grains used in animal feeding, identification of the Fusarium species observed frequently and characterisation of their toxinogenous potential (project executive: Cristina Tabuc )
PN 07-43-0102- Nutritional solutions to improve meat quality and reduce the fat layer in pigs according to the current consumer demands (project executive :Veronica HEBEAN)
PN 07-43-0103-Valorise the genetic diversity of the local sheep breeds to obtain meat quality traits according to consumer and processor demands to ensure competitiveness of EU market (project executive: Elena Ghita)
PN 07-43-0201 -Feeding techniques and diets to limit the economic loss associated to subacute ruminal acidosis in high yielding ruminants (project executive: Catalin Dragomir )
PN 07-43-0301 -Biotechnological research concerning the use of lactic acid bacteria as natural alternatives to antibiotics and coccidiostatics for monogastric animals (project executive: Aurelia SOARE)
PN 07-43-0302 -Effect of some dietary phytoadditives on animal product quality (project executive: Alexandrina DIHORU)
PN 07-43-0303 -Effect of vegetal fibre-based diets on the inflammatory immune response in piglets during the weaning period (project executive: Ionelia TARANU)
PN 07-43-0401 -Eggshell quality improvement through the diet, to provide functional foods acting to prevent consumer health (project executive: Rodica Diana CRISTE)
PN 07-43-0402-Efficiency of using natural sources of antioxidants to alleviate the oxidative stress in pigs as model for humans (project executive: Daniela MARIN)
„CORINT” Projects
Elaboration and utilisation of natural alternatives to antibiotics to control piglet health and increase animal performance (2004–2006, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Ionelia TARANU)
ADER 2020
ADER 6.1.1. - . Innovative feeding techniques using recently improved feeding materials, with implications on product safety and quality, (2015-2018, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Mihaela HABEANU))
ADER 6.1.2. - Efficient utilization of the industrial by-products within innovative feeding strategies for farm animals, friendly to the animals, humans and the environment, component of the sustainable agriculture (2015-2018, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Tatiana Dumitra PANAITE))
ADER 6.2.1. Effect of the nutrients/contaminants from pig diets on the functions of absorption/immune barrier of the gastrointestinal tract, development of new feeding strategies to improve the immune status ((2015-2018, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Gina Cecilia PISTOL))
ADER 6.2.2. - Assessment of processed feeds effect on the rumen environment and on ruminant performance ((2015-2018, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Smaranda TOMA))
2011 Competition
PS 7.1.7 – Development and implementation of the national program of selection and maintenance of the domestic turkey hens lines (2011-2014, executive for INCDBNA: Georgeta CIURESCU)
PS 7.2.1 – Fundamentation of the support for the development of higher animal welfare standards according to art. 40 of (CE) Regulation nr. 1698/2005 (2011-2014, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Mihaela HABEANU)
2006 Competition
PS 4.1.10 – Pilot stations for ecologic poultry production (2006-2010, executive for INCDBNA: Carmen CIURESCU)
PS 4.1.4 - Improving the milk yield in goats by crossing with the best milk breeds (2006-2010, executive for INCDBNA: Elena Ghita)
PS 4.1.7 – Improving meat production and meat quality in the sheep and goat populations from the mountain and sub-mountain area (2006-2010, executive for INCDBNA: Elena Ghita)
PS 6.2.3 – Technical-economic fundamentation of the production technologies, cost calculation, estimation of the sales price and the profitability of vegetal and animal agricultural products (2006-2010, executive for INCDBNA: Dorica VOICU)
PS 6.3.5 – Development and improvement of the cattle, sheep and goats populations and improving the rearing technologies in mountain households (2006-2010, executive for INCDBNA: Ilie VOICU)
PS 7.1.3 – Formulation of fish diets to improve the profitability of fish farming (2006-2010, coordinator: INCDBNA, project director: Smaranda Pop)
„F.A.O.” Projects
Animal genetic resources management (2000-2005,: coordinator pentru Romania - INCDBNA, project director: Condrea Draganescu)
„World Bank” Projects
Research into the impact of rearing and exploiting a poultry population for meat and eggs according to the „Label” system with the purpose to develop the market for certified ecological poultry products (2001-2005 – project director: Viorica B oboc )
„Relansin” Projects (2000 - 2006)
Center of Excellence – Animal Nutrition and Feeding (project director: Doina Grossu )
New formulations of protein-vitamin-mineral concentrates (CPVM) for cattle according to the nature and availability of the bulk forages (project director: Catalin Dragomir / Alexandrina Dihoru / Smaranda Pop )
Study of the technical-economic effects of using food industry by-products in commercial layer and in heavy breeds parent layer feeding (project director: Carmen CIURESCU)
Minimising the effect of the antinutritional factors and the genetic control of the immune system in pigs (project director: Ioan CUREU)
Dairy cows feeding with diets based on local lines of Sudan grass (project director: Alexandrina DIHORU)
Nutritional software for optimisation the feed of ruminant and non ruminant animals (project director: Radu BURLACU)
Nutritional characterization of corn processing by-products to make profitable pig farms of different size (project director: Monica ILIESCU)
Researches regarding modalities to increase the phosphorus bio availability in the feed of laying hens, grown under heat stress conditions (32?C), premises of nutritional supplements diminution (project director: Rodica Diana CRISTE)
Improve the quality of silages using indigenous biological preservatives (project director: Aurelia SOARE)
Performant technologies to obtain of fatty acids salts from natural sources to improve milk yield and milk quality ( executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Dorica Voicu )
Increased meat preservation traits using dietary vitamin E supplements in pig feeding ( executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Rodica Diana CRISTE)
„Agral” Projects (2001 – 2006)
Diet formulation optimisation and manufacture of compound feeds specific to cattle, pig and poultry breeds and hybrids for meat by revaluating the nutritive value of the feeds and the feeding requirements of the animals (project director: Doina Grossu / Monica Iliescu )
Researches on the method and management of milk yield control of sheep in Romania under the context of international regulations (project director: Elena GHITA)
Improve cattle farms profitability using by-products from alcohol and milling industries (project director: Smaranda Pop )
Development of a feeding software (GONUT – O1) to efficientise the feeding of the local breeds and hybrids of layers using ecologic ingredients according to the genetic potential and to the exogenous factors (project director: Carmen CIURESCU)
Farm animals nutrition (project director: Veronica HEBEAN)
Phenotypic and genotypic analysis of the Black head Tsigai sheep to homologate it as distinct breed from Tsigai sheep (project director: Elena GHITA)
Identification, inventory and conservation of heat-resistant Bombix mori L. silkworms breeds for summer rearing. Collaboration with SERICAROM Bucharest (executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Mariana REBEDEA)
Optimisation of the dietary levels of vitamin E, selenium and fatty acids to improve broiler carcass (project director: Rodica Diana CRISTE)
Strategy for research and technological development in agriculture, forestry and food industry in view of integration within the European Research Area (executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Alexandrina D ihoru )
Use of a protein concentrate enriched in linolenic acid and boron to optimise layer diets (project director: Doina GROSSU)
Manipulation of the ruminal processes to increase ruminant performance by reducing dietary protein degradation (project director: Catalin DRAGOMIR)
Research on the production and quality preservation of a feed grade enzymatic product with the view to eliminate the antinutritional factors (executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Alexandrina D ihoru )
„Calist” Projects (2003 - 2006)
Methodological design to assess the quality of the ingredients used in compound feeds manufacture (project director: Rodica Diana C riste )
Development of a modern set of modern to assess the digestibility of ruminant forages (project director: Margareta OLTEANU)
Develop methods to evaluate the quality of ingredients for protein-mineral-vitamins concentrates for farm animals feeding (project director: Margareta OLTEANU)
Development of a set of chemical methods for the rapid assessment of soybean meal protein digestibility, major parameter for its nutritional and commercial qualities (project director: Rodica Diana C riste )
Development of a model on the modern measuring and control methods to evaluate the protein-vitamin-mineral concentrates used in pig feeding (project director: Margareta OLTEANU)
Establishment and development of a system of modern methods to determine the quality of the protein-vitamin-mineral concentrates used in cattle feeding (project director: Margareta OLTEANU)
Development of a methodological model to check the nutritional qualities for the fat-rich feed ingredients (project director: Cristina Tabuc )
Construction, implementation and certification of the quality management system (QMS) SR EN ISO 9001-2001 in a research institute for animal husbandry. Collaboration with ECOIND Bucharest (executive on behalf of INCDBNA Alexandrina Dihoru)
„INFRAS” Projects (2003-2005)
Research into the accreditation of the chemistry and nutrition physiology laboratory according to SR EN ISO / CEI 17025 (project director: Margareta Olteanu )
„BIOTECH” Projects (2003 - 2006)
Molecular markers in thoroughbred horses (executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Mariana Rebedea )
Molecular markers in cattle (executive on behalf of INCDBNA: Mariana Rebedea )
Research themes „Orizont 2000” (1995 - 2002)
Study of the polymorphisms accountable for the immunoserologic and biochemical structures in domesticated animals (theme executive: Mariana R ebedea )
Study of the mechanisms for capture and modification of the molecular structures of the genome DNA (theme executive: Ioan Cureu)
Scientific substantiation for the conservation of the domesticated animals and for the preservation of the endangered populations (theme executive: Elena GHITA)
Study of vitamin requirements for farm animal diet optimization (theme executive: Rodica Diana CRISTE)
Conversion of the vegetal products into animal products (theme executive: Doina GROSU )
Improvement of the technologies for feed additives optimization and utilization (theme executive: Aurelia SOARE)
Study of the feed utilization efficiency by farm animals correlated to the alleviation of the polluting effect of animal manure (theme executive: Floarea BORCEA)
Research into the use of feed by the fattening and growing pigs, with the purpose to improve feed conversion efficiency (theme executive: Veronica HEBEAN)
Research to optimize the compound feeds formulations for different categories and species of poultry (theme executive: Ioan MOLDOVAN)
Research into the feeding recommendations in correlation with bone mineralization in monogastric animals (theme executive: Rodica Diana CRISTE)
Methodological studies to evaluate the nitrogen value of the bulk forages (theme executive: Alexandrina DIHORU)
Comparative studies on the ingestion and digestion in cattle, buffaloes, goats and sheep (theme executive: Alexandrina DIHORU)
Study of the energy and protein metabolism in farm animals within the dynamics of the production processes (theme executive: Gheorghe BURLACU)
Optimization of the diet formulations for goats and sheep according to the particularities of the forages (theme executive: Mircea NICOLAE)
Study of nutritional factors which influence milk quality (theme executive: Mircea NICOLAE)
Nutritional solutions to alleviate the adverse effects of heat on egg production (theme executive:Doina GROSU)
Research to evaluate and determine the efficiency of utilization of the high moisture alfalfa silage and of new corn hybrids used in ruminant feeding (theme executive: Ilie Voicu)
Research into the use of copper as feed additive for weaned piglets (theme executive: Veronica HEBEAN)
Studies on the productive and economic impact of the free access of the cattle to silages (theme executive: Mircea NICOLAE)
Studies on the influence of shifting between free access / restricted feeding on the intake, weight gain and feeding efficiency in growing cattle (theme executive:Catalin D ragomir )
Studies to develop new formulations of protein-vitamin-mineral concentrates for sheep (theme executive: Mircea NICOLAE)
Absorption and metabolisation of different plant extracts as natural sources of vitamins and trace nutrients in monogastric animals (theme executive: Ionelia T aranu )
Additional contracts ( with private Romanian / foreign companies, etc.)
Implementation of the research results into animal production to increase the performance of poultry, pigs and cattle
Diversification and efficientization of compound feeds, protein-vitamin-mineral concentrates and protein-vitamin-mineral mixtures produced by I.N.C.D.B.N.A Balotesti
Digestibility coefficients and nutritive value of the lines and varieties of improved feed plants
Evaluation of the quality of feeds and animal products obtained by different systems of animal production
Modalities for the technological transfer of the research results into production to improve the quantity and quality of the vegetal production and to efficient preservation of the biomass
Modalities to improve the promotion of the finished products specific to the activity of the institute
Characterisation of the raw ingredients and finished products for feed safety and quality according to the new ISO requirements of the compound feeds, protein-vitamin-mineral concentrates and protein-vitamin-mineral mixtures produced by I.N.C.D.B.N.A Balotesti
Marketing studies for a profitable marketing of the compound feeds and protein-vitamin-mineral concentrates
Chemical analyses to determine the amino acids content of the different diet formulations for broilers
Testing VETABOR in dairy cows, layers, fattening rams and of a product enriched in copper in piglets
Tests, measurements and analyses on feed samples and biologic samples
Research into the effect of protease and xylanase on the efficiency of sunflower meal use in layer feeding
Effect of an enzymatic extract of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and of selenium on the mycotoxins from the naturally-contaminated feeds and on piglet performance
Bioproductive effect and economic efficiency of the compound feeds formulations based on gluten, corn germs and corn waste given to poultry, pigs and cattle
Effects of Allzyme Vegpro supplementation to corn/soya or corn/ sunflower meal based diets on the performance of layers
Testing the product “ground feedgrade limestone” as calcium source for layers
Benefits of Alltech enzymes for laying hens fed alternative protein sources
Effect of Owensboro soybean meal on broiler performance
Testing the product “feedgrade limestone” produced by SC BYBY SRL – Rm. Valcea, as calcium source for layers
Testing the product “feedgrade limestone” produced by SC AVEG SA Petrila, Hunedoara County, as calcium source for layers
Testing the product “calcium carbonate” produced by SC BICA SRL – Orlesti, Valcea County, as calcium source for layers
Study on the prevention of pollution and alleviation of the environmental impact by developing an installation for the separation, decanting, evaporation and drying of the waste from bioethanol production